Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa 3.5 months...as usual my thoughts are the same...HOW DID TIME GO BY SO FAST?!?!?!? We've been having the MOST fun lately. Road trips and wedding showers and baths without tears...ha! Love it, love it, love it all!
I have noticed that as time goes by, I have so many more moments of "ohhhhh you are so cute and I'm so obsessed with you and I love you so much!" Really I just feel that way all the time!!!! It took a while to feel that way though...like I'm not sure if I believe people when they say that you feel this instant love for your babies when they pop out. Like....I would do anything for you, you are my responsibility and I'm going to worry about you constantly are feelings that I experienced from second one of their lives, but the love came later. It came when they turned from strangers into my sweet baby girls with completely different personalities and completely different cute/perfect/precious habits and expressions!
And since we're on the topic of "things people don't really say out loud when they have babies," let's talk about your relationship with the baby daddy. I mean, it's no secret that I married the most perfect person for me and that he is bursting at the seams with goodness and that he would do anything and everything for me and now for the girls, but serrrrrrrrrrrrriously....when those babies show up at your house, there are things to figure out in your perfect relationship. Like....just because you figured out how to feed two babies at once, you still need help every now and then in the middle of the night. Like....just because you have a pool in your backyard, you still have to hold a baby instead of swim when two little girls are crying at once. Like....just because mommy gives really really good baths, daddy can learn too!! So here's the secret, if you married someone who is the sweetest, cutest, best, most easy going, loves you like nobody's business, can do no wrong, they still can be that person when you have babies, you just have to straight up tell them what you need them to do....because they will do it, they just can't always read your insanely hormonally clouded brain! JOSHY.....we love, love, love, love, love, love you times a million bajillion zillion.
And speaking of Joshy.... he won us an over the top trip to Miami and Key West a few months before the babies were born. I've been in 100% denial about this trip ever since he showed up at our old house with the larger than life poster that had a bullet point for each detail of the trip. I've been in denial about it until last night because all I could imagine was 12 bags of baby paraphernalia and nobody sleeping because they aren't in their beds and just bad bad bad all over. BUT...last night when I was out loud expressing all of these things to Joshy, he says that we could cancel the trip and while at first I was soooooooo so so so so excited to hear those words, I realized....we can go on this trip. Every time in the past, when someone would make a comment like "your life stops when you have babies." I have always instantly thought in mind that I am not going to be one of those people. But look at me....I am one of those people, acting like I can't take a family vacay just because I have babies. So in that same moment Joshy said we didn't have to go, I had this moment of clarity like....PAUSE.....we can go on this trip! If we hang out in the room and listen to the waves from our balcony and take the girls on walks on the boardwalk as the sun is going down and have room service for dinner instead of going out to eat and watch movies in the room and take short trips to the pool instead of hours in the sun getting skin cancer.....we can go on vacation and have babies and be superstar all star parents all at the same time!
Oh by the way....the kitty came to visit this week....most easy breezy fun EVER.
Oh and by the way again...If you are one of those people who felt that instant love for your baby, that I say doesn't exist, well I guess it does and we are going to go ahead and write that off into my favorite new baby category called "every baby is different, every parent is different, and nobody is wrong...everybody is right!"
The end!
Ohhhhh last thing....I got Joshy to start taking pics everyday and to start a blog about it.
todaysshots.blogspot.com Marla is working on making it look like more of a photography blog so standby for that.