Soooo here we are in the week that my precious, chunky, sweet, insanely adorable babies will be turning 8 months old!!!!!! Holllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy hell! I have a few things to say about this.
It is now so hard to leave in the morning because they are awake, reaching their arms out, silently saying hold me mommy with their innocent eyes. BUT, I leave and go to school and deal. *I'm looking to figure out a way to make my life more balanced, less time at school, more time with girls. ANy ideas? get back to me?
I am in love Damaris. Like seriously in love with this woman. I've been trying to act like her on my first day of Thanksgiving vacay and I think I'm doing pretty well. Laundry done! Dishwasher loaded and running! Girls napping! Of course, she would be doing something productive right now...whatev!
Everyone's favorite thing to say to you when you have newborns is "it gets easier, it gets easier." I never really knew what people were talking about because it never felt really really hard. In fact, I've even been thinking to myself lately that "things" actually feel harder these days than they did in the beginning. I guess I'm going to chock that up to working full time. However, I was in New Orleans over the weekend with a couple of brand new mothers and felt sooooo so so so sooooooooooo so so so so happy that I was not going home to tiny newborns who don't sleep and are on the boob every three hours and are still doing scary things for the first time and then I thought.....oh, it is "easier."
We survived the STOMACH VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously....I didn't like that. Sweet baby girls throwing up and dry heaving etc. That was the opposite of cute, precious, sweet, and fun! But, we survived! Unfortunately, every single Samet except for me has since gotten the virus...they will also survive I guess.
Marla is coming today for Thanksgiving. We are going to craft and make holiday food and go Turkey Trotting. I can't wait for it all.
I was about to say that's all I got, but that's not true.....I have so much to say about these girls. But for now...that's all i got. Here is a pic of the girls in front of the tangerine tree we planted when they were born.