Thursday, July 30, 2009


Josh has just proved me wronnnnnnnnng wrong! I'm very guilty of THINKING that he can't fix things and TELLING people that he can't fix things. So about 15 minutes ago when I turned on the kitchen faucet and all of sudden the sprayer fell off and water was shooting me directly in the face and then bouncing off of my cheeks alllllllll over the kitchen, having Joshy patch it up was not even a thought in my mind. It wasn't even a thought in his mind(which is why I have the anti-fix-it opinion of him in the first place). He immediately called his dad to schedule a plummer to come out and then being so smart, he remembered that there should have been a cord attached. So just as he set me up on to pick out a new faucet, he says "wait jessie, I can fix this." I proceeded to say "you know you're just going to get aggrevated!" Then, in about 3 short minutes, just as I was about to have a mild panic attack about the fact that kitchen faucets cost $200 and up, I hear my manly husband say from the kitchen, "nevermind, I fixed it!"

I'm so proud!

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