Saturday, April 9, 2011


I know every rule there is to know about how to lose weight...EVERY RULE! Thank you Sarah Peirce Schnure for figuring out the Weight Watchers Points Finder formula so that I can now calculate the points value of any food in my head. I'm always blown away by people who are so unaware of calories, because they are naturally skinny and have never had to know any of this. Anyway...I'm on a tangent....back to the point. In terms of eating, I've always been so concerned if something is going to put a pound on the scale or not, but lately, I've been worried about different things. It's like I'm feeding these two newly chowing down mouths and my brain is so trained to think points points points, that I hesitate about giving them whole milk and think things to myself like....shouldn't they be eating egg whites????

So I'm trying to retrain the brain. I have so many questions though. A huge question I have is ......SHOULD WE ALL BE EATING ORGANIC??? I don't know! Does anyone know???? I need an unbiased opinion here. I don't want a green extremist to advise me and I don't want an uneducated(on the issue) person to tell me that we were all fine without it up until now, and of course we don't need to eat Organic(organically??). I need somebody in the middle. For now, I'm going to settle for the answers that Dr. Oz is giving me. Nicole gave me an article from a parenting magazine that he wrote, but I wasn't satisfied enough, so I went to his website tonight. He has three simple rules for when to buy organic and when to save your dollars. My questions aren't all answered and I'm not totally fulfilled by the article, but I'm going to use it as a guide for now. Here's his scoop. Read it and then tell me what you think. Raise your hand if you buy organic store or farmer's market? Go!

**sidenote...glorious time tonight at the Bruno's! Aside from great food and fun had by all grown ups and babies, I smiled the whole time on the inside at how happy we all are in this beginning of our thirties phase of life. Can't wait to see some pics soon.


  1. i buy organic hormone free chicken. i feel better about buying it and i think it taste better and cooks better. i like farmers markets but haven't been to the one here yet. i have read in the past certain fruits and veggies are better organic if you eat the skin....peaches, grapes, apples; but ones you peel are ok regular..avocados, bananas. i don't always adhere to that but if you have the budget for it i would.

  2. Gig. I have a great idea. Why don't you ask my client Hazel. She is an MD/health coach, you can tweet @synthesistips .. just say you are my sister and have an important question.
