Sunday, April 3, 2011


I wish I had pics from tonight. Nicole's birthday dinner was just real good feel good fun! I really just wish I had pics from this entire day...even of my solo trip to HEB this AM...the big HEB on Buffalo Spdwy at 8am before the huge crowd got there. I mean, I wasn't alone by any means, but it was just so nice and line-less. Then, I came home to the smell of pancakes and the girls walking up to me saying MaMa...MaMa. Sooooo goood. Then, they took a nap and I actually had time to make fun decorations for the birthday dinner. Maybe Neecole will even take some pics of them and post later since I forgot to. Then the girls woke up and we went to my current favorite store Paper Source. Paper Source is heaven. There is always something to buy...ALWAYS! Then we came home, at lunch, took another nap, and when those sweet darlin walking all over the place girls woke up it was time to get ready for the par-tay! We,(we=me, laine, and olivia) both at separate and individual times, proceeded at this point to melt down. I forced my children to sit in exersaucers while I showered....they didn't like that. As it turns out, babies who have just turned 1 like to show everyone that they are independent and that they don't need things like exersaucers to entertain them. They would rather climb up steps that lead to a bathtub or play with breakable ceramic puppy dogs, or slam fingers in forbidden cabinet doors, or even fall face first into scratchy indoor/outdoor rugs. Baby center sent me an email today telling me that all of this is normal. Will we survive this "normal?" I guess! Ha! I mean we will because even though there was one stressful hour today, there were like over 12 hours of goodness! Perfect goodness!

1 comment:

  1. I can't breathe will all that is going on in your blog world!
