Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We're getting closer to May 9th which is one official year before 30, so I'm revisiting the list. 30 before 30 seems a little excessive don't you think???
I'm thinking it may be more realistic to do "10 big ones before 30" instead. Maybe even one to grow on for the celebratory trip.

Soooo....for the editing:

1.) Spend time outside each day. - May 9 - June 9

2.)Take the girls to Mobile and the beach. - June
3.) Make a HUGE effort towards overall health. Food-Fitness-Mental Health - July
4.)Blog everyday and make it public via facebook. - August
5.)Make time to read a book each season. - September
6.) Learn to sew. - October
7.) Clean out the blue room and turn it into a real room. - November
8.)Go on a trip with friends that isn't about anyone, but about EVERYONE. - December
9.)Clean out the garage so my car can fit in easily and safely. - January
10.)Send a card to someone once a week, even if it's just to let them know I am thinking of them. - February
11.)Spend more time listening to Josh and less time talking. - March
12.)Celebrate my list being accomplished on a 30th Birthday trip with Joshy...somewhere...just us. - April

Ohhhh!! Woohoo!! This worked out even better. A list of 12. One for each month. Just like in The Happiness Project. Have you read that yet? You should! If I can scratch something off before that month gets here, great! If not, that's why each number on the list is assigned a specific month. I should probably print this list out and read it often, so I don't forget these goals.


  1. Giggy. I thank baby Jesus that you are my best friend every day. You are sooooo cool. I'm making a list just to be like you.

  2. Please change September to: "Sit at Sari's house and tell her how to be a Mom"

  3. I like March, but I think that should be monthly, not just next March. And if it can't be monthly, then the countdown till next mach is on. Does reading this count as you listening to me? If so then March came early.
