Friday, September 23, 2011
Fall Flava
Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Chip Cookies. Thank you Gina from skinnytaste. I haven't made them yet. These are her pics, but I wish I had one right now. I better go hurry up and buy some pumpkin.
Yes please!!
Happy Weekend Friends!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Can't Sleep

Thanks for putting up with this 100% self indulgent post. I'm aware.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Popsicles = fun. It's fun to watch your puppies eat things you made and like it. We had a little impromptu pool party with the Bruno's this afternoon. It just feels good to sit around with them and do nothing. It does not feel good, however, when one of your children throws 10 fits in less than 2 hours...what are you gonna do?!?!? We are going to blame it 50/50 on being rotten and teething, because FINALLY this child has 3 teeth coming in on top and three prob means 4 because these things seem to happen in even yayyyyyy Livy for teeth and booooooo Livy for fits! I love that cute cheek girl no matter what!
I hope everyone did something glorious this weekend! We had a grand ole time in Baton Rouge other me being bratty and throwing a few fits myself. Shiiiii....maybe we should go 33.3/33.3/33.3 for Liv. Fits= teeth/rotten/inherited...oops!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
City Center
Monday, May 23, 2011
Every now and then...
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy LAST MONDAY of school!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Everyone is out of town and Daddy is working!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
State of this House
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Dancing Queen!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Who wants to go outside????
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Travel!
P.S. tomorrow begins the 365 day countdown to 30. I can't wait!
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Chair Fantasy
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm thinking it may be more realistic to do "10 big ones before 30" instead. Maybe even one to grow on for the celebratory trip.
Soooo....for the editing:
1.) Spend time outside each day. - May 9 - June 9
3.) Make a HUGE effort towards overall health. Food-Fitness-Mental Health - July
4.)Blog everyday and make it public via facebook. - August
5.)Make time to read a book each season. - September
6.) Learn to sew. - October
7.) Clean out the blue room and turn it into a real room. - November
8.)Go on a trip with friends that isn't about anyone, but about EVERYONE. - December
9.)Clean out the garage so my car can fit in easily and safely. - January
10.)Send a card to someone once a week, even if it's just to let them know I am thinking of them. - February
11.)Spend more time listening to Josh and less time talking. - March
12.)Celebrate my list being accomplished on a 30th Birthday trip with Joshy...somewhere...just us. - April
Monday, May 2, 2011
Contemporary Comfort

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Why don't my children sleep????????? Why?Why? Why? How do I know if Olivia is sick or just crying to cry??? How do I know?????????? It's 9:36. We put her back in the bed at 9:22. Josh is going to go in at 9:45 if she's still awake.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Some things...
First of all...SNACKWELLS are not dead. I mean for years the only ones on the shelf were devils food and vanilla creme sandwiches. Who remembers the mini choc chip cookies being staples on Apollo Dr????? I do!!! Well guess what?!?!?!? There are now Snackwell 100 cal packs and one of those packs is choc chip cookies with a fudge drizzle. It's not the exact same, but you get the same background flavor and I am sooooooooooooo HAPPY!
Second. I got brave enough to plant some veggies in pots in our backyard this year. As it turns out, Joshua is taking care of them..typ...I suck at plants. We have a problem though. All we're getting are small tomatos and most of them are rotting on the bottom before we get a chance to pick them. Any thoughts? Anyone?
Finally. The vicious cycle of weight. I keep watching me and Joshy putting on pounds and I don't do anything about it. Like...make lunches,make dinners, and stop eating treats all the time. What do you think is going to motivate me to be the captain of this project???? I do have a pool in my backyard that Zachary Samet exercised in like every night of the summer last year. I told him that I'm gonna need him to start that up again. Maybe if he's here, I'll do it too! Anybody want to play a weightloss or healthy choice game? NEECOLE!!! I'm talking to you because these other broads are pregnant and nursing. You let me know!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Shout out to Sari
Delta Zeta house. Sari...where did you live when you had yours??

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Whoooaaa Whirlwind
We have a precious new nephew. Leo Parker Schneider. He was full term, but ended up in the NICU anyway with an infection. He's fighting to bust out of there and is getting better each day. We woke up Saturday and went to Austin, because I wanted to see the situation for myself. You know how people like to make things up when something like this happens...make things up like how people should or shouldn't be feeling and diagnosing who is responding appropriately or know??? Well I just wanted to see it for myself. I'm glad I did. Now I know that all is well or is soon to be well and I can stop making things up about what might be happening and stop listening to other people doing the same thing. It's amazing how we're all able to just rise up when we need to! I'm extremely proud of Michael and Talia for doing what they need to do and staying positive!
Easta....very real good feel good today at Anne Peirce's USUAL!
Now for this week. I have major anxiety about going back...typ! the countdown is on, but there are still soooooooooooooo many numbers to count. I'm just going to stick with the old tried and true...FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT!!!! D-O-N-E DONE! school tomorrow for the last day of passover.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
1.) School is going to be a roller coaster everyday for the rest of the year...done. At least there are only 25 more days. Thank you Jesus.
2.) I broke Passover tonight over Angel food cake...oops! Oh well!
3.) Why oh why oh why do I get so ridiculously wrapped up in things. Things like all of those things I keep talking about that need to be balanced. It's just life...we're just living.
4.) I've recently gained 5-7 pounds....damn. It's a vicious cycle. I'll make them disappear when I'm ready.
5.) The garage is only going to be cleaned out if we put it on the calendar. So it's on the calendar.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Can't Stop!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Some fun....
Thursday, April 14, 2011
One more day...... more day until my long weekend that I am desperate for...DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to Barbara's funeral today. Sad...sad.
I don't mean to be Debbie Downer these days, but it is what it is. I can promise happy thoughts in T-minus 28 days! I can do 28 days! I can do 28 days!! was Olivia crying and she is already back to sleep. Sweet darlin probably can't wait for Damaris to get here in the morning so she can be greeted with a smiling face who makes her take naps and overfeeds her.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Can I please just press delete?
Monday, April 11, 2011
3 things...

See how I went to Target with two babies??? Ha! It was actually fun. It's a shame that the new "fresh food" section at our Target is no good, but we'll go back again for more fun anyway!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This year when I got back to school, I found out that Barbara Goldstein wasn't the only amazing principal I would know in my career. Her successor is also equally outstanding at her job, but I still missed having my friend Barbara in my daily school life. I saw her about a month ago at the farmer's market. Something was off. Then today happened. My teaching partner, Pam, is Barbara's sister. She was called out of her classroom today very suddenly and left in hysterics. This woman never misses school. By the end of the day, we didn't know anything, except that it was Barbara and that she had done something to herself.
About an hour ago I got a phone call from the third member of our team who is a longtime friend of Pam and Barbara's families. She told me all she could say was that Barbara died suddenly today.
Today is April 7. Too much for April 7. I honestly think about my mom every single day....many times....many times each day, so April 7 really is no different from any other day of missing her. It still means a lot to know that other people know what today is, so thanks for the coded fb messages and writing this day on your personal calendar, and for sending me flowers just to see me smile!
I have foggy beliefs regarding life after death, but I am sure that the way to have someone who has died remain in your life, is to carry on their traditions, teach what they taught, and play how they played. I have no idea what your schedules are like this weekend, but I will be taking the girls out for a walk on Saturday morning around 8:30/9 and then having brunch at my house eating healthy things...skinny breakfast burritos like we're on Apollo Dr. We might even do our walk at Memorial or Rice...never can tell! Come on over if you want! I'll probably even put on some purple shorts.
I don't have many pics of Ida, because her time was not the time of digital photography, but here is a pic of me and Olivia that reminds me of one that I have of me and Ida at about the same time in each of our lives.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- Candice said...
You could soooo make that. Stencils for the letters, red paint, an aged wooden frame (which they have at hobby lobby - I know because I bought two) and maybe one of the beige drop cloths from home depot for the background? Or just a piece of cardboard that you could faux finish with spray paint? I mean, juding by the pics, you put together a magazine-worthy b-day party for your could so do this for $20 instead of $378.
- April 6, 2011 9:12 AM
- Sarah Schnure said...
Sari agrees with 10000% with Candice. You can get HD to cut you a piece of ratty wood that size. While you are making me this, make me the I
out of beer caps on the framed warped board like in the Big Easy bar on Kirby.- April 6, 2011 10:04 AM
- nicole bruno said...
Absolutely you make that shit!! When are we doing it?
- April 6, 2011 10:08 AM